“New Bazi Prediction” internal textbook 54 pages

Jul 16,2024 48 42

Download the 54-page PDF e-book of the internal teaching material of “New Bazi Prediction”. Introduction The theory of horoscope numerology includes: 1. Movement and stillness; 2. Advance and retreat qi; In the practice of fate prediction, there are “four proposals” 1. Those who advocate only testing the tester himself

Download the 54-page PDF e-book of the internal teaching material of “New Bazi Forecasting”.


Bazi numerology theory includes: 1. movement and stillness; system. In the practice of fate prediction, there are “four proposals” 1. It is advocated that only the personal affairs of the person who is to be tested should be measured, and the personal affairs of the six relatives should not be measured. Because the personal information of the person is the first information, and the personal affairs of the six relatives are the second information, the first information is obviously accurate, and the second information is vague and inaccurate. 2. It is recommended to only test the personnel and personnel that the test seeker asked for, and not to measure the personnel that the test seeker did not ask. Because people with the same zodiac sign have a problem with the direction of the destiny energy, only by predicting the direction of the destiny energy of the tester can it be 100%. The so-called play direction of fate energy refers to: people with the same horoscope, although their fate type is the same, but the magnitude of fate energy is different. , official, marriage, health, life expectancy, children, etc. The energy exerted in different directions makes people with the same horoscope also have great differences in fate. Because the fate energy of each person is a certain amount, not unlimited, If a certain amount of destiny energy is exerted on children, health, and marriage, if there is a lot of destiny energy, then the energy that can be exerted on wealth and officials is very little. Therefore, the direction of destiny energy is to produce people with the same horoscope. One of the reasons why fortunes vary. 3. It is advocated to only measure the good or bad nature of the personnel sought by the tester, and not to measure the good or bad of the personnel. Because even people with the same horoscope have different fates because of their different degrees of fate energy (babies of the same sex born at the same time in the hospital, some survived to grow up, and some died or died at birth. It is a disability is the proof) because of the great disparity in their fate, it is purely a dream to predict the good and bad fortune of personnel from a time-based horoscope. It can’t stand the test. Although many scholars have painstakingly researched and practiced it from ancient times to the present, they have made no progress. The truth of objective existence (limitation of time) is independent of human subjective will. However, predicting the good and bad nature of personnel through the horoscope is not only in line with the truth of objective existence (horoscope time determines the type of people’s fate), but also can stand the test of practice. 4. When advocating all-round and comprehensive forecasting (that is, forecasting of wealth, officialdom, injury, marriage, lawsuits, prisons, etc.), independent forecasting by item (that is, after measuring the fortune of several years or – wealth, and then measuring the fortune of officials , and then measure injuries, marriage, etc.), because in the prediction, it is also the function of the ten gods of owl seal and wealth, but in different directions of fate measurement, its good and bad meanings are very different. , is investment; measuring the fortune of officials means spending money to seek development; measuring whether a lawsuit is right or wrong, and so on. In different directions of fate prediction, the meanings of good and bad are different. broken.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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