Yang Qingjuan Blind School Bazi Numerology 2020 Gengzi Year October “Chengdu Gaowei Yili Face-to-face Lecture” Notes 108 pages

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Yang Qingjuan’s Blind Bazi Numerology 2020 Gengzi Year October “Chengdu Gaowei Yili Face-to-face Lecture” notes 108-page PDF e-book download. Introduction 1. Why do most people learn the Book of Changes driven by curiosity at the beginning to satisfy their personal interests and hobbies, thinking that learning the Book of Changes can discover mysteries, predict disasters and fortunes, and avoid disasters. In fact, learning the Book of Changes is to benefit future generations and become a professional

Yang Qingjuan’s Blind Bazi Numerology 2020 Gengzi Year October “Chengdu Gaowei Yili Face-to-face Lecture” notes 108-page PDF e-book download.


1. Why do most people learn the Book of Changes driven by curiosity at the beginning to satisfy their personal interests and hobbies? To benefit future generations, to be a professional numerologist and forecaster, to serve everyone and the society, and to learn the higher Yi times and realms of the Book of Changes is to promote Chinese culture and give full play to the Yi-learning culture. High dimensions are natural phenomena. 2. How to learn the Book of Changes 1. Be in awe of nature, ancestor wisdom, ancient scholars and sages, and the law of cause and effect. 2. Be honest and sincere, take benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust as the standard, and not use the Book of Changes to do harm to others. 3. There must be a heart of benevolence, God has the virtue of good life, and those who learn Yi must have noble qualities and be compassionate. In addition to teaching people to seek good luck and avoid evil, they must also give people hope, especially for those who are more rough, People who are depressed and have lost hope in life should give them hope and confidence, and make good use of the power of the Book of Changes. 4. To go into nature, the Book of Changes comes from nature, and in the end we must return to nature. The laws of the Book of Changes must be comprehended and practiced in nature. 5. Consolidate the foundation. The foundation is very important. The foundation is the law of the operation of all things. The law will not change. Mastering the foundation well means that the first stage is as reasonable as the law, and the second stage is that the law has no fixed law and only changes is the law. Everything in the universe and between heaven and earth is changing, and the only constant is change, so you must pay attention when studying the Book of Changes. 6. “Change”” character, “Yi” refers to the alternation of the sun and the moon. Nothing in the world is absolutely static. If there is change, it is moving, and if there is movement, it is alive. Therefore, the Book of Changes is a living Yes, easy reasoning is also alive, knowledge is also alive, and skills are also alive, so learning and using it flexibly not only refers to the flexible use of the knowledge and skills you have mastered, but more importantly, it is necessary to master the thinking of change to master the change. Knowledge, mastering the skills of change, and finally applying it to things that change, this is that there is no law, only change is the law.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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