Feng Huacheng’s “Moving Gods and Changing Generals”

Jul 16,2024 40 33

Feng Huacheng’s “Moving the God and Changing Generals” PDF e-book download introduction The ancient Chinese theory of yin and yang has always been called the mother of philosophy by the world, from the Hetuluo book to the gossip of heaven and earth, from the perspective of medicine and human science, yin and yang and five elements are inseparable It is everywhere, everywhere, and it affects people’s good and bad luck and honor and disgrace all the time. Feng’s yin and yang conditioning and dissolving science, the main content of explanation: 1.

Feng Huacheng’s “Moving the God and Changing Generals” PDF e-book download


The theory of yin and yang in ancient China has always been called the mother of philosophy by the world. From the perspective of medicine and human body science, yin and yang and five elements are ubiquitous and ubiquitous, and they are always influencing people’s good or bad, honor or disgrace.

Feng’s yin and yang conditioning and resolution, mainly explaining the content: 1. Including the resolution of numerology disaster information. Second, the conditioning and resolution of Feng Shui environment. Three, the resolution of human medicine. 4. Dissolving the mysterious energy of communication. 5. Dissolving the aspects of shifting stars and turning fights, borrowing energy to revive one’s soul. The resolution techniques in these five aspects can be said to be all-encompassing, and many of the contents are unique skills that have never been passed on to the outside world. They are more comprehensive and effective technical materials for resolution science. It is the reader’s fortune and the author’s fortune to dedicate it to those who are destined.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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