“Niuzi Numerology Practical Combat” page 288

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“Niuzi Numerology Practical Combat” 288-page PDF download. Author brief introduction Niu Zi, formerly known as Zhao Yurong, was born in 1973. He is from Gaoan City, Jiangxi Province. He is currently the chairman of the China Jiangxi Niuzi Ancient Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and is known as the “Ganpai Qiren” in the industry. My expertise: horoscope prediction, six-line prediction,

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About the Author

Niu Zi was originally named Zhao Yurong, born in 1973 in Gao’an City, Jiangxi Province. He is currently the chairman of the China Jiangxi Niuzi Ancient Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and is known as the “Ganpai Qiren” in the industry. My specialty: Bazi prediction, Liuyao prediction, naming service, Bazi feng shui conditioning, digital divination, feng shui investigation of yin and yang houses. My works: “Niuzi’s Practical Study of Numerology”, “Niuzi’s Practical Study of Fengshui”, “Niuzi’s Practical Study of Names”, “Niuzi’s Practical Study of Liuyao”.


“Niuzi Numerology Practical Combat” is the author (Niuzi) himself after several years, through repeated research and summary of theories, and on the basis of bold practice, he has gained a lot of experience in the application of numerology techniques. Has now become a complete set of numerology combat system. This book pays attention to practicality, does not talk nonsense in the book, no matter the principle, and other techniques are the author’s experience summed up and extracted from actual combat.

This book is simple, direct and unique in the extraction of information, and it is handy to use and fulfilled like a god. The analysis of the prosperity and decline of the yen is simple and direct, and the prosperity and decline are the prerequisites for judging the wealth and poverty of the prospective fortune teller. In the relationship between age, luck and fate, the author fully discloses techniques without reservation, the purpose is to allow readers to accurately determine the due date of fate information. In terms of the application rules of the six relatives, read the information of the six relatives according to the structure and combination of the eight characters.

The author grew up from a person who regards “Book of Changes” as a superstition, always thinking that fate is controlled by himself, and became a professional worker in Yi study. I was engaged in the wholesale business of non-staple food and cigarettes in my early years. I made a small fortune because I caught up with the trend of the times, and lived a more comfortable life than ordinary people. But the good times didn’t last long. With the twists and turns of fate, I became nothing, and even felt like I was reduced to the street. Looking back now, it was a godsend! If there is no such a catastrophe as 3, I would not be a Yi scholar engaged in the research and practice of numerology and feng shui.

The ancients said: Good fortune does not come together, and misfortune does not come singly. In 2004, when I had no means of living, I fell ill and was hospitalized. Even the insurance money I had paid for eight years was refunded, so I asked for some travel expenses to go to the south to work. By coincidence, I stayed with a friend in Quanzhou, Fujian. He arranged for me to stay in a hotel, but that night I ran into a fortune teller. He said he wanted to show me a picture, but at that time, I didn’t believe in these stuffs at all, and tried it with the mentality of taking it as fun and listening to it, and the result surprised me and convinced me. Because the facts before me are what he saw with his own eyes, and the words he said are still fresh in my memory, and the conclusion is so certain. In 2003, you had a catastrophe in your marriage. In 2004, you were admitted to the hospital with a lung problem. You had a good time before, but now you are at the end of the road. You are destined to be a metaphysical genius.

Now is your turning point. These are his words, which still echo in my mind for a long time. I didn’t sleep well that night, thinking repeatedly, “Is there really a fate curve?” I repeatedly recalled what he said. A person I have never met can be counted as me, and I returned home with the thought that people really have fate. After returning home, I went to the bookstore to look for numerology books, and then concentrated on studying, forgetting to eat and sleep, studying, understanding and mind-enlightening techniques. I have been disappointed time and time again by looking for teachers everywhere in order to obtain the secret, because all I have found are quack warlocks, people who live off of quack colloquialism, and have no foundation in numerology. , I can only use the knowledge I have learned to verify it with the lives of relatives and friends. The repeated puzzles made me confused, and the repeated failures made me almost waver in Xueyi.

The situation I was in at that time was that I had no choice, and there was no way back, and I could only study hard. Every single case has to be repeatedly reasoned and verified. Before professionally engaged in the forecasting industry, I used the knowledge I had learned to make free forecasts for customers every day. The purpose was to obtain feedback from customers and let me sum up my experience. Hard work pays off. In 2005, I opened a forecasting hall in Gaoan City, where I researched and studied while forecasting. In 2007, “Niuzi Ancient Culture Communication Co., Ltd.” was established, and it enjoys the reputation of “Ganpai Qiren” in the local area. In 2011, I was invited to participate in the “Second Shengong Fengshui Discussion Conference”. During the meeting, I used my knowledge of numerology to make predictions for my peers, and I was recognized and appreciated by my peers!

Now the author publishes the numerology techniques derived from practice to the world, so that more readers can predict the fate, so as to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and better create a happy and happy tomorrow!

Niu Zi September 2011 in Gao’an Chinese Yi Xue Culture Practical Knowledge Series

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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