Master Huiyuan “Master Huiyuan teaches you to learn Fengshui and read the wisdom of Fengshui” in two volumes

Jul 17,2024 9 40

Master Huiyuan “Master Huiyuan teaches you to learn Fengshui and understand the wisdom of Fengshui” PDF e-book download. Introduction This book is master Huiyuan’s experience in the research, practice and teaching of ancient and modern Fengshui for many years, and it has high academic and practical value. The publication of this book not only reveals the mysteries and true meaning of Feng Shui to people, but its greatest wish is to

Master Huiyuan “Master Huiyuan teaches you to learn Fengshui and understand the wisdom of Fengshui” PDF e-book download.


This book is master Huiyuan’s experience in the research, practice and teaching of ancient and modern Fengshui for many years, and it has high academic and practical value. The publication of this book not only reveals the mysteries and true meaning of Feng Shui to people, but its greatest wish is to explore the mysteries of nature through scientific research on Feng Shui and transform Feng Shui from a mysterious world to a palace of science. Come. The author combines multidisciplinary theories and methods such as geophysics, hydrogeology, environmental landscape, architectural engineering, cosmology, meteorology and climate, magnetic field orientation, and human life sciences with traditional Chinese Feng Shui to reveal It opened the mysterious veil of traditional Feng Shui, systematically explained the objectivity and regularity of mysterious phenomena unknown or half-known to human beings, and introduced the ancient and mysterious Feng Shui to readers with a scientific attitude and practical methods. Therefore, it can be called “modern scientific Feng Shui”. Since ancient times, human life has been inseparable from residential buildings. Because the residential house is the place where the family reunite, the place where people work and rest, and also the harbor where people pass on their families, have children, and share family relationships. The orientation, shape, pattern, material, color and even the surrounding environment of a house will have an impact on the physical condition, mental state, personality, psychology, fortune and many other aspects of the occupants. Therefore, it is very important and practical to understand and follow the scientific knowledge and methods of modern Feng Shui when choosing, arranging, and arranging houses. This book focuses on the geomantic omen of residential buildings, and comprehensively and systematically analyzes the geomantic science of decoration, office and commercial use of various buildings in a detailed and creative way. Whether you are engaged in specialized research or are interested in Feng Shui, you may wish to read this book. I believe this book will benefit you for a long time.

Brief introduction of the author

Master Huiyuan, commonly known as Chen Changyi, was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine. He once studied at Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Second Military Medical University, and successively studied under Chen Mingke, Chen Liusi, Master Taiyi, Zen Master Qingyun and many other famous medical practitioners and Buddhist masters. He founded Qigong Acupuncture, Scientific Feng Shui, Visual Aesthetics, Buddhist Medicine and Human Information Prediction. Widely respected by people at home and abroad. Master Hui Yuan is a well-known master of Feng Shui both at home and abroad. He is currently the chairman of the World Gemologists Association, the president of the Chinese Fengshui Research Institute (Hong Kong), the American Fengshui Research Institute (New York), the European Fengshui Research Institute (Germany), the vice president of the International Buddhist Medical Research Association, and the honorary president of the Hong Kong Scientific Fengshui Research Association , Honorary President of Singapore Chinese I Ching Geomancy College, Professor of School of Medicine, Chief Physician. He has carried out precise planning and Feng Shui adjustments for hundreds of famous cities and major projects at home and abroad, and has been welcomed and praised by various regions and units. Master Huiyuan’s works are numerous, and his representative works include “Huiyuan Architectural Fengshui”, “Huiyuan Fengshui”, “Huiyuan Fengshui Compass Sutra”, “Huiyuan Buddhist Medicine”, “Huiyuan Wisdom”, “Huiyuan Name Studies”, “Hui Yuan’s Fate and Physiognomy”, “Hui Yuan’s Lectures on the Book of Changes”, “Hui Yuan’s Medical Prescriptions and Secret Methods”, “Hui Yuan’s Health Preservation” and other dozens of works.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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