“Book of Changes and Feng Shui” by Du Xinhui

Jul 17,2024 24 41

Du Xinhui “Book of Changes and Feng Shui” PDF e-book download. Preface This is a book about understanding and changing the influence of the environment on human beings by means of the Zhouyi Shushu, one of the three formulas, to predict the impact of the environment on human beings. It explains the principles of environmental geomantic omen prediction through practical examples, and strives to pass the author’s extensive practice. And summary, to find a way for readers to use Qimen Dunjia to understand environmental Fengshui

Du Xinhui’s “Zhouyi and Fengshui” PDF e-book download.


This is a book about understanding and changing the influence of the environment on human beings based on the Zhouyi Shushu technique circulated in ancient times, that is, one of the three forms of Qimen Dunjia prediction. It explains the principles of environmental Fengshui prediction through practical examples , trying to find a law for the readers to use Qimen Dunjia to understand the environment Fengshui through a lot of practice and summary of the author. At present, there are generally three understandings of Feng Shui in the society: The first understanding is that Feng Shui is a superstition and a lie. If someone says: Zhang San lives in a big house and has not been promoted, and Li Si lives in a very expensive house, and he made a fortune, so Feng Shui has nothing to do with our life, it is a superstition and a lie. This kind of understanding is wrong, as everyone knows, there are many unknown mysteries in it. After thousands of years of practice, human beings are looking for a suitable place to live according to the shape of nature, and finally come to a conclusion that human beings should be integrated with nature, forming a view of the unity of man and nature, which is the essence of things. Law is the mystery of Feng Shui. For example: the ancients first lived in caves, and the caves that open to the north are not as warm and not easy to get sick as the caves that open to the south. In modern times in the north, the windows on the north side of houses are built small mainly to resist the northwest wind. The ancients knew the principle of “the unity of man and nature” long ago. This is Feng Shui. Is this also a superstition? Is it the same as living in a safe and firm place in an area where mudslides occur? The living area is full of garbage and smells bad, and it is definitely different from living in a clean community. People who say that Feng Shui is superstitious do not understand the idea of the unity of man and nature. Disharmony between man and nature is bound to lead to chaos. The effect of Feng Shui on human beings can be seen clearly from the country’s determination to govern the environment. The universe is too big, and human beings know too little about the universe, so they appear too small in front of the universe. If they don’t understand the truth, they are called superstitions. I think this kind of view is wrong. The second understanding is that everything will go smoothly when Fengshui is good, and that everything is good or bad because of Fengshui. It is a superstitious view to think that there are “gods” in Fengshui. The success or failure of individuals, families, and units is determined by both innate and acquired factors, not by gods or Feng Shui factors. It is wrong to pay attention to Feng Shui alone and ignore other factors. Especially for management people, if there is a problem in their own (enterprise) unit, they will ignore other factors and only think that Feng Shui is bad. This is superstition. Even though Feng Shui has been adjusted a thousand times, it is superstitious if you do not pay attention to management or benefit. If a leader makes a wrong decision or the team spirit of a certain unit is not strong, no matter how good Feng Shui you have, it won’t help. The same is true for people: one-third of a person’s life is determined by heaven, and seven-point depends on hard work. Both internal and external factors play an important role. The third understanding is that the management of the unit is not good, and when family members encounter difficulties, the feng shui master will place a town object, such as a lion, a gossip mirror, a gourd, five emperors’ money, etc., and it will become smooth. We start by figuring out where the forces that affect matter on Earth come from. I think it’s the electromagnetic waves of other planets and the natural phenomena of the earth. If a town can change everything, I’m afraid the town won’t be that powerful. No matter how big the official position is, anyone who treats fantasy as reality and suppresses disasters can only fool people who lack knowledge. Superstitious or not, no matter how big or small an official is, for example: an official of the Gaoyi County Government in Hebei Province set up a plane in front of the government gate, thinking that he could get promoted quickly by flying, but ended up becoming a prisoner. Another example is the case of Hu Jianxue, Party Secretary of Tai’an City, Shandong Province in 1995. A “master” once predicted that Hu Jianxue would be the vice premier, but he lacked a “bridge”. Cross a reservoir, and build a bridge over the reservoir logically. However, in the end, he missed the post of deputy prime minister, and was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve by the Shandong Provincial Higher Court because of his corruption and bribery crimes. It is obviously wrong to only pay attention to the external cause without looking for the internal cause, to put up a fantasy town, and to add some ghosts and ghosts at will to achieve the psychological satisfaction of people. The practice of scaring people and using things to fool people, if you can change the situation of things by putting something on it, the success rate of doing things is not too high. Difficulties are so easy to overcome. If the poor put a gossip mirror, it will become big. Finances? The management of the unit is not good. If a lion is placed in front of the door, the unit’s benefits will be good? This can only be a fantasy and practice to deceive people. I am afraid that most people will not be convinced, even the so-called “masters” will not believe it, let alone achieve such an effect.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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