Chen Qiquan “Commentary on Geography, Universe and National Treasures”

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Download PDF e-book of Chen Qiquan’s Commentary on Geography, Universe and National Treasures. Introduction: The chaos first opened, and the universe began to respect and transform all things in the world, and the universe divided into three talents, that is, heaven, earth and man. In astronomy, there are the sun, moon, and stars, and in geography, there are mountains, rivers, plants, trees, people, animals, and everything. The Pangu family opened up and divided the heaven and the earth to respect the universe, the Tianhuang family made the stems and branches to determine the age, and the Dihuang clan combined the stems and branches to determine the three.

Chen Qiquan’s “Commentary on Geography, Universe and National Treasures” PDF e-book download.


When the chaos first opened, the universe began to respect and transform all things in the world, and the universe divided into three talents, namely heaven, earth and man. In astronomy, there are the sun, moon, and stars, and in geography, there are mountains, rivers, plants, trees, people, animals, and everything. The Pangu clan opened up and divided the heavens and the earth to respect the universe, the Tianhuang clan made the stems and branches to determine the age, and the Dihuang clan combined the stems and branches to determine the three hours and divide the night, and 30 days as a month. Taihao Fuxi began to draw eight trigrams and divide them into five elements. Xia Yu controlled the water to stabilize mountains and rivers, and cast Jiuding to resemble Kyushu. Mountains are good for scriptures, water is good for business, these are the happiness of all things.

If you talk about astronomy, there are astronomers, geography, and geographers. to harm others. Full of sleeves full of gold and silver, proud, full of sins, where to cultivate, full of muddleheaded livelihood, don’t know what to ask for, there are gods and immortals in ancient times, but today’s fake books confuse the foolish people.

Sanyuan geography was passed down by Qiu Yanhan and Yang Yi in the Tang Dynasty. , Ming, Qing, and the Republic of China have been more than 1,200 years, and there are some deviations in the formula. In today’s society, high-rise buildings, all countries are in business, and everyone speculates. It is different from the ancient times when the sun rises and the sunset rests. Leave some general principles for reference.

Times are changing, society is changing, geomancy theory also needs to be reformed, but it must not lose its truth. That is to say, the truth is constant but unchanging, while the principles and qi are changing but constant. In my opinion, those who speak of rationality and qi today are all sticking to their own opinions. One refutes the other, and the words are reasonable, but they are not proven, why? It is not clear about the law of heaven and earth.

The author is not sensitive, and I don’t understand the water methods of various schools. I have traveled all over the country, and there are too many false geographical methods, and I don’t know which one is true. After going through so much suffering and heartache, I only got three to five points of the true method from my research. Later, I went to a spiritual place for cultivating Taoism in a mountainous area in Nanhua, Tainan County. I felt refreshed instantly, and my spiritual orifice was opened. Before the case, I formed a Wuji Taiji diagram. Geography is natural. Sitting cross-legged for a while, it seems that nature is with me. Understanding geography is a natural formation. To study geography, you must follow the way of heaven, be in harmony with the natural mountains and rivers, and not go against the way!

Therefore, when you are free, you often come here to absorb the aura of nature and appreciate the beauty of nature. Once when I was sitting in meditation, I suddenly heard someone calling me, I couldn’t open my eyes for a while, and there was only a gap between the eyes. >

“Disciple Qi Quan, I am the Immortal of the White Crane. Today, I am ordered by the Xuannv of the Nine Heavens to come down to the mortal world to teach you a secret of geography. You are ordered by the destiny to come here. Sanyuan geography is here It has been 1,200 years since the Tang Dynasty was handed down to Qiu Yanhan by me. The immortals of the past dynasties have helped the emperor and revived the Han Dynasty, but it has gradually become distorted. In modern times, the time is urgent, and the door of Taoism is wide open. I pass on the truth of geography As a result, the Sanyuan Geography and Water Method is also made public. For example, the National Treasure of Geography, the National Treasure of Sanyuan Geography, the Golden Strategy of Sanyuan Geography, etc. Because of the timing, printing is popular, and almost everyone has a copy. There is no secret, but there are tricks It’s hard to open.” “Excuse me, immortal master, is there any secret to geography that you haven’t learned yet? Please enlighten me.” “Geography is formed by nature, and it cannot be manipulated by human beings. The sand and water in the dragon’s cave are naturally formed, and the real secret lies in the river. Tu Luoshu. The method of congenital qi, people are endowed with innate qi and live long, so the master of the innate, the acquired qi will make a fortune. What refers to the truth, the innate and the acquired, and everything that does not conform to the innate, is a false formula. “The immortal master said: “As the immortal master said, geography is formed by nature, and it is inseparable from Heluo and the past, but I don’t know how to determine the sand, water and standing direction of the dragon cave?” “This is the secret of heaven, geography is nature, Yin and Yang The truth is also. One yin and one yang are the Tao, and the solitary yang does not grow, and the solitary yin does not grow. In geography, there are male and female dragons, and the male and female meet like a dragon to get water, and like a couple to match each other to become a man. Successively The sky is indispensable, and the water outlet is the evil spirit. This is the four-generation one-qi, and the secret of closing the mountain and releasing the evil. Natural geography is a natural thing, and people often add superfluous things to purify yin and yang. The life of the immortals is divided into gold, and if the annual pavilion is not suitable for the murderous burial, it will not be used, making a good land become a bad place.” “Ask the immortal master, if the immortal’s fate is inconsistent and the annual pavilion is not suitable, how to build a burial?” “Three Yuan Geography Its true formulas include the four formulas of mountain method, water method, hexagram theory, and talisman method, especially the most important water method and talisman method. Those who learn the three-dimensional geography today only lack the second tactic of talisman method. The second is to use the three-in-one selection method to avoid evil spirits. Today, my God, under the order of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, will pass on to you the innate burial methods such as the Sanyuanling Mantra, the method of locking the qi, and the method of seizing the qi, so that you will be able to act on behalf of the heavens in the future and benefit the people. , this method is the method of saving the poor, and you are the second successor of the disciples of the mortal world! The responsibility is heavy, and you are here in the world. In a few days, a fairy will come to the house to upload your geography truth. Just go to Yunyou. Keep in mind what you have told me, I hope you will do it yourself, no one will spread it, no one will make a fuss, my god will go!”

The White Crane Immortal God appeared in me It disappeared again, and I returned home full of hope to wait for the good news. In less than half a month, a student came to visit me. Although I am extremely intelligent, I can learn Doushu as soon as I learn it, and I am much ahead of me in less than two months, but I am not popular for my smooth talk. I haven’t seen each other for five years, but now we meet

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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