China to accelerate developing multi-tiered social security system: action plan

BEIJING -- China will accelerate its efforts in developing a sustainable multi-tiered social security system that covers the entire population in both

BEIJING -- China will accelerate its efforts in developing a sustainable multi-tiered social security system that covers the entire population in both urban and rural areas and follows fair and uniform standards, according to the country's latest human rights action plan.

Titled "Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025)," the document was released on Thursday by the State Council Information Office.

Under the principle of social security benefits for all eligible, the government will action policy requirements to help those most in need, to build a tightly woven safety net, and to build the necessary institutions, according to the plan.

For rural and non-working urban residents facing financial difficulties, the government will cover part or all of their premiums to the basic pension scheme, said the plan.

It also listed other measures to improve the systems and mechanisms for social security, noting that the mechanism for adjusting basic pension rates for urban employees will be established.

The country will also improve enterprise annuity, a supplemental retirement savings program for employees of enterprises, and occupational annuity, a supplementary pensions program for employees of government agencies and public institutions, it noted.

Private pension plans will be encouraged, it added.

Policies will be enacted on subsidies for family dependents of the deceased and for people with non-work-related illnesses and disabilities, should they be covered by the basic pension scheme for urban employees, said the plan.

To improve the system for social relief, the plan stressed that the state will provide special relief funds on healthcare, education, housing, and employment to people with financial difficulties, in a timely and targeted manner.

The state will improve financial aid and support for severely impoverished rural residents through higher-quality relief services, said the plan.

China will provide a tiered and categorized social assistance program and improve the subsistence allowance scheme, it said.

The eligible age of minors covered by the relief scheme for severely impoverished people will be extended from 16 to 18, said the plan.

Households and individuals eligible for temporary assistance will be provided with interim emergency subsistence allowances, it noted.

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