Shao Weihua’s “Feng Shui Laws” page 436

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Shao Weihua’s “Feng Shui Laws” 436-page PDF download. Shao Weihua was born on December 17, 1936 in Benniu Town, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. His ancestral home is Ezhou City, Hubei Province. Born in an extremely poor family, he fled with his parents to beg for food since he was a child. Let the landlord let the cattle go, and suffer a lot in the world. It was the Chinese Communist Party who rescued him from the dire straits

Download the 436-page PDF version of Shao Weihua’s “Feng Shui Laws”.


Shao Weihua was born in Benniu Town, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province on December 17, 1936. His ancestral home is Ezhou City, Hubei Province. Born in an extremely poor family, he fled with his parents to beg for food since he was a child. Let the landlord let go of the cattle, and suffered a lot in the world. It was the Communist Party of China who rescued him from the dire straits, and turned himself into the master ever since.

He joined the work in 1953 and joined the army to resist US aggression and aid Korea in order to defend the motherland. In March 1959, he transferred to Xi’an Aero-Engine Company, where he served as a laboratory technician, secretary of the workshop branch (county regiment level), and director of the propaganda committee of the factory trade union.

Shao Weihua has been engaged in industry, agriculture, business, education, military, party, government and army all his life. In the factory, he made remarkable achievements in technological innovation. In early 1966, he was rated as an activist in Chairman Mao’s works in the five northwestern provinces. The workshop led by him was rated as the advanced unit of the whole factory and the whole province.

Shao Weihua was influenced by the ultra-left trend of thought of the Gang of Four during the Cultural Revolution, and missed workers and cadres, but he was also a victim of the Cultural Revolution. Later, he was framed and labeled as an “anti-Party, anti-socialist, and anti-Mao Zedong Thought” and imprisoned. Later, Comrade Deng Xiaoping presided over the work and was released because he was wronged, and he was reborn again.

Shao Weihua abandoned politics and started Yi, and entered the hall of Yi Xue in 1980, engaged in the application research of physiognomy, gossip, four pillars, yin and yang Fengshui.

In 1989, his first debut work “Book of Changes and Forecasting” came out, which ignited the torch of Yi studies in my country and the world. Four-Pillar Forecasting and Fleeing Fortune, won the honor of “Yi Xue Master” in Singapore in 1991, and was written into “Monument” in 2001. In the “Volume of Elegance” in the party history of the Communist Party of China’s Eighty Years of Struggle and Glory, he was also named as a researcher and forecaster of “Book of Changes”.

Shao Weihua has made many major inventions and creations in physiognomy, gossip, four pillars, yin and yang geomantic omen. He is an internationally renowned “Book of Changes” researcher and forecaster.

A scientist does not lie in inventing high-end products, but in discovering scientific laws, such as: the gravity of the earth, the law of indestructibility of matter… because scientific laws cannot be denied by anyone. Shao Weihua’s greatest contribution to Fengshui is his research and conclusion of Fengshui laws.

Yin-yang Fengshui is the first important branch of “Book of Changes”. There are thirteen sects of yin and yang Fengshui in our country, which have been irregular and without good or bad standards for thousands of years. Therefore, many feng shui masters, deans of feng shui colleges, and professors of feng shui in universities have harmed the country and the people in the application of teaching. Shao Weihua is for the prosperity of the people and the strength of the country, for the benefit of future generations. According to Mao Zedong’s “no investigation, no right to speak”. From the countryside to the cities, from the plains to the mountains, from the inland to the frontier, from the domestic to the foreign countries, traveled all over the mountains, rivers and rivers of the motherland, conducted on-the-spot investigations on the yin and yang houses of great men, high-ranking officials, and famous people. Water, without water, look at the road, and the water way is combined with the method of looking at Feng Shui. Summarize the law of feng shui that the flow of water is good, and the flow of water is bad. It solves the problem of irregular geomantic omen in our country and no standard of good or bad.

“Feng Shui Laws” eliminates the “difficult to learn, difficult to understand, difficult to remember, difficult to operate, and difficult to apply” in ancient and modern Feng Shui, and achieves “easy to learn, easy to understand, easy to remember, easy to operate, easy to apply” Applying “, the establishment of a three-yuan undefeated game is a layout of housing development, generation generation, safety and less illness. Especially in judging the good and bad of yin and yang geomantic omen, abandoning the twenty-four mountains, forty-eight bureaus, left and right and… and other methods of judging good and bad. For example, there are three mountains in Kan Palace, Renshan Mountain in Bing direction, Zishan Mountain in Wu direction, and Guishan Mountain in D direction. Only Kan Palace sits on the mountain to determine good or bad luck, and the same is true for other palaces.

Using sitting in the palace to judge good and bad fortune can be judged broadly, deeply, thinly, quickly, and accurately.

“Practice is the only criterion for testing truth”. Shao Weihua tested the feng shui rules of Mao Zedong’s home in Shaoshan in August 2005. The result was that not only could Mao Zedong, a great man, be born in Shaoshan, but it was also a dangerous place. Mao Zedong must have been born in an emperor’s geomantic land. Seven years and two months later, in October 2012, I found the real birthplace of Mao Zedong——Shaoyuan Village, which is a geomantic treasure land where many dragons protect the bead and the emperor.

“Feng Shui Laws” is a major method to unify my country’s Feng Shui. Shao Weihua expressed his determination at a meeting of universities, doctoral supervisors, and Fengshui professors across the country held by a certain department of the State Council in June 2013. After the publication of his “Fengshui Laws”, it will take ten years to unify the application of Fengshui in my country. An expert from the State Council said: “After the publication of Teacher Shao Weihua’s “Feng Shui Laws”, it will take less than ten years, five years to unify the application methods of Feng Shui in our country.”

It is Master Shao’s historical mission to sum up the laws of Feng Shui, and it is Master Shao’s lifelong wish to unify the application methods of Feng Shui in our country. “Laws of Feng Shui” simplifies the most complicated theory and the most complicated method in Feng Shui into six characters, and those who are illiterate can learn it as soon as they are taught. Moreover, since then, liars who use Feng Shui to deceive people have been eradicated.

Shao Weihua’s Book of Changes and Forecasting, Shao Weihua’s “Feng Shui Laws”

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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