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《Tiandao Sutra》 Doctrine, Rituals, Virtue, Precepts, Dharma, and Life

(a) Doctrine: The ten basic doctrinal rules of the transitional stage. In the future, each disciple under the Heavenly Way sect to establish a sect, need to bear in mind that the Heavenly Way sect is not a religion for people to worship, but \”education\”

The temple sect is only a place for cultivation and education, and all fellow practitioners gather in the sect
To educate all sentient beings to cultivate the fruits of merit and good deeds. The teachings of the ancestors of the Heavenly Way are \”to transmit the Dharma, not to establish a religion\”. (1) In the future, no business activities shall be conducted in the clan parish. For example, the admission fee for believers, incense, magic tools, lightening and other business activities for profit shall not be operated in the temple.
for the purpose of business activities. If there are students, believers, incense and other voluntary donations before income. (2) each parish every nine years is responsible for the assessment of voluntary practice within the age of 9 years old schoolchildren, the excellent can be income within the sect, the parents of schoolchildren within the ability to actively donate to the good of the Tien Tao Church, in order to accumulate their own and the merits of the entry of child practice, will come from the time there is a return of good deeds. (3) Each practice temple sect should consciously abide by local laws and regulations, love the country and the people, and help the people as much as they can, keeping in mind that the people are the relatives of the disciples and the country is the root of the practitioners. (4) The parish should be separated from the external and cultivation areas, and should not be mixed, each disciple is responsible for taking care of it. (5) Self-labor and self-sufficiency: There should be areas of cultivated land in the parish, and in between the practice, one should work diligently and try to be self-sufficient in food for fellow practitioners. The area around the parish can be built as commercial houses, which can be used for incense, Dharma vessels, and special products from all over the world. The general diocese can allocate the special products of each diocese to other dioceses, and strive to make all the educational areas self-sufficient, and each diocese should submit 10 to 20 percent of its income to the general diocese. However, the following points must be strictly observed: First, all dioceses must not engage in any commercial activities for profit. There should be a scripture printing hall on the periphery of the general diocese or other sub-dioceses that are in a position to do so, with external disciples and testing disciples in charge. In addition to printing the scriptures they need, they can also print some external formal education books to increase some income. Each parish should often organize test disciples in their free time to hand-copy the scriptures and send them to people, to open the Heavenly Way to promote the Dharma, free medical and other public welfare activities. Second, outside the parish business activities must be external disciples and test disciples, external disciples outside the business after six years can be promoted to test disciples, test disciples 3 years can be promoted to internal disciples, each parish outside the test disciples should be 1 to 3 responsible for the overall command and dispatch of business operations, a total of nine years to change all a group of disciples. Third, the items operated outside the parish should be lower than the market price, the income can maintain the basic expenses inside and outside the parish, shall not sell high-priced items in any name, basically to achieve a slight surplus can be. Remember

The main purpose is not for profit, one is self-sufficient, the second is to facilitate the needs of the faithful and accumulate merit. Fourth, in the heart of each country diocese, should be set up \”heavenly way medical hospital. If the disciples of each sub-district are sick, they can easily go there for treatment, and general illnesses should be treated free of charge, while major illnesses should be covered by each sub-district or jointly donated for treatment. Each subdiocese should set up a health center to facilitate the treatment of minor illnesses of the disciples if possible. All medical institutions should be free of charge internally or charge a guaranteed basic fee for major illnesses without overcharging. If the external medical treatment can charge a lower fee than other medical institutions in the market to accumulate merit. Each medical institution should have the tolerance of accepting all rivers, including folk and medical books, and good remedies and treatments should be reported to the General Church and included in the backup of the Heavenly Way Sutra Medical Department. Each medical hospital important diagnosis department should be passed down from generation to generation, try to recruit talented disciples from within to pass down the medical tradition for the benefit of future generations. The above four I future generations of Heavenly Way disciples to remember the teachings of the Heavenly Way have knowledge shall not be violated, if you do not listen to the teachings, never get to prove the supreme Taoist fruit, after also do not income within the door. (6) the earth set up a heavenly path holy land (total education area), there are various sects to elect cultivation profound, highly respected cultivator as the chief teacher of the heavenly path and nine elders to assist. The chief teacher and other sects of the great instructors every nine years in the holy land to open a \”heavenly way of the holy meeting\”, including the chief teacher, elders and all the great instructors, the holy meeting during the overall election of a new term, the replacement time in the selection of children into the door cultivation before all need to be completed,
After agreeing on the election and enrollment date can not be changed, if there are irresistible factors occurring can be properly postponed the election of the great tutor. At the time of the Heavenly Way holy meeting, each sect should select the scriptures written by the fellow practitioners of each diocese in the past nine years, and select the profound scriptures that do not violate the general meaning of the Heavenly Way scriptures to be included in the Heavenly Way
(7) In the future, the scriptures will be selected for inclusion in the Tien Tao
Sutra. (7) In the future, no matter what conflicts there may be between countries, disciples everywhere must remember that the disciples of the Way of Heaven are one family. Each subdiocese must respect one doctrine and obey the unified and coordinated command of the General Church, and must not establish another sect.
The Holy Land may remove the qualifications of the sub-denomination and announce the denominations, and establish another sub-denomination in the local area. Heavenly Way Holy Land shall unify the production of anti-counterfeit \”Heavenly Way divine figure badge\”, distributed to all practitioners in each of its subordinate sub-denominations, each disciple of the Buddhist and Taoist teachings of the Heavenly Way scriptures, no matter where in the world they go
(8) Each sub-denomination should provide free food and lodging as long as they present their Heavenly Way badges. (8) Each subdiocese should donate to the Holy Land of the Way of Heaven as much as they can on a regular basis, and if any subdiocese has difficulties, the Holy Land should be responsible for unifying
(8) Each subdiocese should donate to the Holy Land as much as they can on a regular basis. And unified management of matters between the sub-dioceses. (9) I have so far received two official disciples, one responsible for the real transmission of the True Law of the Way of Heaven and one responsible for the network transmission of the Law. Although we do not have a Heavenly Way holy place yet, but in 2012 the Heavenly Way Sutra was released
So I decided: in order to facilitate the exchange of contacts, the first Chief Teacher of the Heavenly Way Holy Land, there is a network to transmit the law disciple \”Wuji Daozun\” is now officially in office, the term of nine years, after all practice the full law disciples to elect the next Chief Teacher and elders. Principles
The Chief Teacher, Elders and Grand Masters should not be re-elected because they also need to practice. The chief teachers, elders, and great teachers have contributed to the spread of the Tien Tao Sutra, which is a great merit and will be rewarded later. Now the Chief Teacher is temporarily in charge of contacting disciples from all over the world and recording all those who practiced the Heavenly Way
before I left.
The list of all law disciples. Now begin to establish the Earth Heavenly Way Sutra cultivation genealogy, you are the first realm of formal cultivation of the Heavenly Way Sutra practitioners, the spread of the Heavenly Way true law made an example and contribution, your names will always be recorded in the history of the Earth Heavenly Way cultivation. The genealogy list of each realm of the General Church to
In the future, after the establishment of the sub-denominations, only the list of the Grand Tutors and Elders of each sub-denomination will be recorded in the genealogy of the General Church. After the establishment of the sub-denominations, each of them will establish their own genealogy to record the list of their disciples. The existing disciple \”Wuji Daozong\” is responsible for establishing the members of the Holy Land Council of Elders, as the first generation of
The 9 members of the Holy Land Council of Elders are elected simultaneously with the General Church. Each sub-denomination will have to follow the construction of the Holy Land in the future. The General Church of the Holy Land and each sub-denomination should set up a special record of major events in the cultivation world and members of the Heavenly Genealogy Record Group, with a dedicated person responsible for
historical records. (10) I am reincarnated to transmit the law can bring only memory, I will finish writing the scriptures that the ancestors allow to be transmitted and the things that should be explained in this life. The big ambition has been planned, each disciple at this stage only need to start now, starting from themselves to carry forward the scriptures of the Heavenly Way, for themselves and their families
accumulate merit and virtue. I believe that one day we will achieve the goal of spreading the true Dharma of the Way of Heaven to the world. In the five turbid evil world each disciple needs to remember that the most important thing is unity, we Tiandao practitioners only closely together, there are things we have to find ways to help together, so that we will be
An unbreakable force, the future to promote the true law of the heavenly path will be much smoother. Finally I send you all a very good quote written by one of my disciples, which I use here to encourage you. \”Practice the Way of Heaven, get rid of reincarnation, be diligent in merit and virtue, be firm in the Way, practice it to the end, and you will obtain the
the fruit of the supreme path.

(2) Rituals: The rituals of the disciples of the Heavenly Way Ancestors require that the disciples of the Heavenly Way Ancestors join their hands together in front of their hearts and chant: \”The Immeasurable Master\”.
It is the same as the salutation of Amitabha Buddha,
infinite sky dweller, infinite life Buddha, etc. It has the same meaning, representing the respect for the benefactor in the heart, the heart should be sincere when reciting, and the salutation should be correct, and it has the effect of enriching the Dharma luck. Practice clothing requirements: before the world of righteousness can be casual, loose and comfortable, can have afterlife every
Sects and parishes to choose a mentor to jointly agree on the standard model of practice clothing, but clothing to have \”Heavenly Way God Figure\” standard pattern, this figure is worn in the body when practicing has the effect of Dharma protection, increase the yuan, blessing, etc., also represents the respect of the disciples of the heavens to the Heavenly Way Ancestor. (2) Our Heavenly Doctrine
(2) our Heavenly Way disciple
except for the direct teachings of the benefactor all other fellow practitioners, the disciples of the parish generation only: master, brother, brother. The person who teaches the Dharma is the master, the first initiation is brother, after the initiation is brother, there is no other generation to call, so as to avoid the confusion of the many. (3) In each parish, there is a pavilion for the rites of the Heavenly Way
The upper for heavenly ancestors of the golden body of the Dharma, after the respective practice of Buddhism and Taoism of the ancestors of the golden body of the tablet (heavenly ancestors do not have the Dharma, heavenly beings are the ancestors of the Dharma, but also not for the ancestors of the Dharma, later a great mentor from each sect to jointly discuss the painting of the ancestors of the ritual for the Dharma,
(After the agreement may not be changed). (4) Each clan temple set up the Heavenly Way Sutra Collection, including the two classics of Buddhism and Taoism, compiling what I have said in the world, as well as what the senior monks of each clan temple have passed on to the cultivation of the Way. We will compile the scriptures of the Way of Heaven and collect donations to publish and copy the scriptures from time to time and give them to the faithful for free.
To promote the true Dharma of the Heavenly Way, to carry forward the education of the ancestors of Buddhism and Taoism, to gradually integrate the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism, to teach the world to become a member of the righteous world, to be free from the suffering of reincarnation, to become a Buddha and to attain the righteousness.

(3) Merit: The practitioner of the physical practice stage should always do three major merits: printing scriptures and saying the words, releasing life to increase life, and diagnosing illnesses and giving medicine. The other three virtues should be done in accordance with the teachings of the ancestors of both Buddhism and Taoism. Future generations of disciples should remember this

It is not possible to achieve righteousness just by having merits, one must
You must be diligent in cultivating your mind and accumulating merits.

(4) Precepts: (The Ten Precepts of the Sexual Body): Do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not speak delusively, do not hurt yourself, do not double-talk, do not speak evil, do not be greedy, do not be angry, and do not slander the law. Each Tien Tao sect and temple has set up a law enforcement and precepts monitoring group, and has formulated rules and regulations on the punishment for violating the precepts.
and then strictly enforce them according to the law.

(2) (Three precepts not to be subjected to): \”Not to be subjected to prostitution, not to be subjected to flesh and blood, and not to be subjected to tobacco and alcohol\”. These three precepts are not mandatory for the physical practice stage, but it is best to keep them. Among them, tobacco and alcohol are specially prescribed for the earth. Lust refers to the practice of all lust, and flesh and blood refers to the eating of animal flesh and blood.
Smoke and alcohol are known to everyone. If a practitioner can keep these three precepts for a long time, it will be of great benefit to his practice. Therefore, I would like to make it clear that if a person can strictly observe the Ten Precepts of Sexuality and the Three Precepts of Non-Absorption, and if a person can insist on sitting in a circle and practicing the Heavenly Way Sutra for not less than two hours every day, he will be able to keep them for a lifetime. There is a chance
Receive the great enlightenment of the Heavenly Path Ancestor, and enter the world of righteousness directly after the extinction of the physical body. The sign of a practitioner who has received the great blessing is that after the cremation of the physical body, the true body of the Dharma bones appear, which is also known as the relics.

(3) (Life and Death): But whether one can go directly to the world of righteousness is closely related to merit. As I said before, practice is inseparable from good deeds and merits, so it is not enough to just observe the precepts in personal practice. You must also accumulate merit and virtue by doing more good deeds.
When you have enough merit and virtue in this life to pay off the karma of your previous life, then you can do it. In this world, it is a great merit to promote the true teachings of Heaven and to do good deeds to help others. However, as long as you practice and keep the precepts, even if you are reincarnated, you will go to a higher place. When your merit and virtue have paid off the karma of your past lives, the time will come when you will reach the state of cultivation
the time to jump out of the cycle of reincarnation. This is the true method of dual cultivation of life. Many disciples ask me what is the dual cultivation of life, I will explain here. Sex is simply the nature of the mind, including the state of mind, enlightenment, good deeds, merit, precepts, etc. are a cultivation of sex, life is its own
cultivation, cultivation for. If you only cultivate life without cultivating sex has the root of the devil

The dual cultivation of sex and life is a great shortcut to the world of righteousness. All disciples need to remember

(5) Dharma Promotion: (The three non-transmission of the Way of Heaven) (1) Those who kill people do not transmit the true Dharma of the Way of Heaven. Solution: Those who kill and those who slaughter as a business have too heavy karma and are not allowed to transmit the true Dharma to the disciples. But unintentional killers also have less karma but not included, such as walking accidentally stepping on
dead ants, or honey pickers.
For example, those who accidentally step on ants while walking or those who unintentionally injure some bees while picking honey are not counted in this case. (2) Those who do not believe do not transmit the true law of heaven. If you have doubts in your mind, you will not be able to practice properly and you will not get the right results. (3) Those who do not have the desire to teach and transform all sentient beings and do not propagate
The True Dharma of the Way of Heaven is not transmitted. Those who do not have the heart to contribute to the fulfillment of the Way of Heaven, and those who do not have the idea of teaching all sentient beings to cultivate goodness, will not pass it on. In the future, after I leave, the teachers of the teaching areas need to first understand the above situation of the disciple, if the disciple deceives the master to teach the law is not the fault of the teacher, the heavenly path has knowledge of the future three disasters
The nine disasters are only self-inflicted.

(F) to the life of the chapter: the ordinary life of the physical body after the extinction, that is, the Yin spirit body, at this time do not panic, and do not need to run, hurry to calm the mind and purify the spirit, \”light closed eyes\” empty meditation, practice the longevity of the absolute or God fetus absolute to increase the Yin body spiritual power, not to be tempted by the reincarnation of the evil path of light
Absorbed in the middle, no matter what kind of light, evil temptation should be like as immovable realm, practice at the same time silent recitation of the \”Infinite Heavenly Master\” or according to the practice of gongfu silent recitation of the name of the ancestors of the Buddha Tao can also be, the critical moment really have induction blessing effect. Do not rush, when the opportunity will come
There is a reincarnation suction force to lead you to reincarnation. People who are reborn remember this method, I can not say that all people can go directly to the righteous world, unless the merit is particularly large. However, as long as the person is not a person with deep evil causes, he or she will not be confused and reincarnated in the evil path. This is the \”rebirth
A good thought, the practice of the true scriptures, the next life has a blessing, the reincarnation of the high place to go\” Remember in your heart

The above is a general outline of the teachings of the Heavenly Way, based on the model of other \”worlds with the righteousness of the law\”, which is the general outline of the transitional stage before the earth is transformed into the world of the righteousness of the law.
A great teacher from the temple will agree on the rules and regulations. After I leave, when the opportunity is ripe in the future, the ancestor will again send a great teacher to be responsible for education, and I hope that all disciples will observe the precepts and teachings during the period, practice diligently, and become righteous early.
world. First of all, I would like to thank most of the practitioners for their support and encouragement, but there are some people who may not understand the matter of \”donating goodness and printing scriptures\”. I think some people may ask: I can\’t afford to donate and print scriptures, can I fax the Dharma? Here I will tell you
I will tell you: \”Yes

But let me see that you have contributed to the promotion of the true Dharma of the Way of Heaven, and I can pass on the Dharma of the Way of Heaven to you unconditionally\”. If you can\’t donate to charity, and you don\’t want to print the sutra, and you don\’t want to contribute to the promotion of the True Law. Then I can only say to you, \”You have the heart to get something for nothing.
Heart, without the idea of benefiting all beings is not my Heavenly Way practitioners do, each has their own mission, hope to understand

. Another person said that the \”Heavenly Way Ancestor\” is not too big a legal name, that is not the meaning of the Heavenly Way beings teacher? Committing taboo not to commit? I can explain here again
I can make it clear once again. The Heavenly Dao was not complete at the beginning, and it was only when the Heavenly Dao Ancestor handed down the True Law of the Heavenly Dao that the Great World was able to complete the Heavenly Dao step by step. Therefore, you are correct in thinking that it is the teacher of the Heavenly Dao or the teacher of all beings, and with the merits of the Heavenly Dao Ancestor not being exaggerated in any way, it is
is the teacher of all beings of the Heavenly Way. In fact, every practitioner who contributes to the completion of the Heavenly Way can be called a Heavenly Teacher, but \”Infinite Heavenly Teacher\” refers specifically to the honorific that all fellow Buddhists give to the merits of the Heavenly Way Ancestors.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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