Qu Wei’s “Detailed Criticism and Precise Explanation”

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xbz210279 Qu Wei’s “Detailed Explanation of Critiques and Prescriptions” Qu Wei’s Four Pillars Detailed Explanations of Critiques and Critiques.pdf

Table of contents

The first part (function test example)…

Introduction to Functional Tests…………………

Function test example 1………………………

Function test example 2………………………

Function test example 3………………………

Function test example 4…………………………

Function test example 5…………………………

Function test example 6………………………

Function test example 7………………………

Function test example 8…………………………

Letter test life down nine…………………………

Function Test Fate Ten…………………………

Function test example 11………………………

Function Test Fate Twelve……………………

Function Test Fate Thirteen……………………

Function Test Fate Fourteen……………………

Function Test Fifteenth……………………

Function Test Fate Sixteen………………………

Function Test Fate Seventeen……………………

The second part (face-to-face test)…

Introduction to face-to-face tests……………………

Face-to-face test example 1………………………

Face-to-face test example 2………………………

Face-to-face test example 3…………………………

Face-to-face test example 5………………………

Face-to-face test example 7………………………

Face-to-face test example 6……………………

Face-to-face test example 7……………………

Face-to-face test example 8………………………

Face-to-face test example nine………………………

Face-to-face test example ten………………………

Face-to-face test case 11……………………

Face-to-face test case 12……………………

The third part (excerpts from examples)…

An excerpt from the introduction of the example……………………

Excerpt from the first example………………………

Excerpt from the second example…………………………

Excerpt from the third example………………………

Excerpt from the fourth example………………………

Excerpt from the fifth example………………………

Excerpt from the sixth example………………………

Excerpt from the Seventh Case………………………

Excerpt from the Eighth Case………………………


The book “Detailed Explanation of Fate Cases” contains the author’s actual prediction and fate cases in letters and face-to-face tests in recent years. However, due to space limitations, it is impossible to accommodate all the critical examples of the author, and only

A typical, representative, and instructive part is for readers to participate in research.

The author can say with certainty that this book’s explanations of fate judgments are generally more detailed and specific than any current book on fate judgments. Basically, the reason for the inference of each inferred language is given a detailed analysis. Some key deduction methods and ideas are clearly and clearly disclosed without reservation. As long as readers follow the ideas and explanations in the book, they will soon be able to operate in practice, and they will know how to break a specific four pillars, and how to find out specific good and bad things.

Due to the busy work of the author and the rush to complete the book, there will definitely be omissions and mistakes in the book, and readers are kindly requested to correct me!

Same  Good  Qu Wei

September 2003

first part

function test example

Introduction to Function Test Commands

The function test fate example is to analyze and judge the good or bad of a person’s life from the perspective of the four pillars and horoscopes. It is really difficult to predict without any known information. Because once the fate is wrongly judged, almost the entire fate will be judged wrong, since it is clearly written in black and white, there is no room for refutation. Therefore, the risk of forecasting is very high. Unlike face-to-face testing, you can test a few and see the other party’s feedback. If there is any discrepancy, you can immediately change your mind and re-analyze the fate. By making targeted predictions, many things can be straightened out.

Since there is not a lot of known information in the letter test, it is very difficult to achieve a straight-forward conclusion. Therefore, the letter test requires a deep and easy-to-learn foundation.

Due to space limitations, this book only selects some of the test cases of the author for analysis, hoping that readers can understand the methods and skills of life-death.

▲Function test example 1

Kun: Born on the third day of April in 1964

Horoscope: injury  kill  day  robbery

A  Ji  Decane  Ren

Chen  Si  Hai  Zi

Universiade: 3  13  23  33  43  53

E  D  C  B  A  Deca

Chen  Mao  Yin  Ugly  Zi  Hai

67  77  87  97  07  17

1. Judgment of life fortune:

This makes the Yen Kuishui relatively prosperous, and the official killing is also prosperous, and the Ximu vents its body to control the killing, but it is not suitable for the tree to be too prosperous. Injury, killing, and robbery are all beneficial to business, with business acumen, able to grasp business opportunities, and act decisively. The middle age is 33-53 years old. Good luck, good luck, business fortune. Fate is at the upper-middle level, wealth will come and go throughout life, and the source of wealth will continue. I always have to worry about my own hard work in my life, and I don’t feel at ease when I let others take care of my career. I can only manage it myself with painstaking efforts, and I am willing to worry about it.

Two, character:

l. Smart, pioneering spirit, courageous, daring to do something.

Explanation: Seven killings.

2. The personality is extroverted, talkative, logical thinking is good, and there is clear judgment.

Explanation: Seven killings.

3. Be straightforward and decisive in doing things. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. When doing business, I am also tired of customers picking and picking, bargaining, hoping to have a good time. When people bargain for a long time and are picky

If the time is long, you will show impatience.

Explanation: Seven killings.

4. Straightforward, flexible mind, happy to move rather than quiet.

Explanation: Injured official mind.

5. Strong self-esteem, good face, high-minded and arrogant, you look down on ordinary people.

Explanation: Injured official mind.

6. Have a certain oral expression ability, good at debate and speech.

Explanation: Injured official mind.

7. You have talents, and you can give full play to them, and express your wishes to others, so as to gain the approval of others.

Explanation: Injured official mind.

8. You are courageous and arbitrary in doing things, sometimes you can’t listen to other people’s opinions, and you have a stubborn side.

Explanation: Injured official mind.

9. I have done something wrong, although I know it in my heart or regret it, but I don’t admit it.

Explanation: Steal money and mind.

10. I don’t want to be controlled by others, but I like freedom. I can control others, but others can’t control me. Sometimes behave a little domineering, bossy.

Explanation: Steal money and mind.

Feedback: Personality is as tested.

Three, parents and grandparents

1. The parents’ generation is an ordinary family, and the power of the parents’ generation is not too much.

Explanation: Nianzhi is a bogey, and the year-old Jiamu will not be able to use the spirit, and before the age of 13, the spirit of the bogey will be lost.

Feedback: Parents were ordinary workers.

2. Parents or ancestors have official disasters or injury disasters, and they will be dragged down by this disaster all their lives, and they will not feel at ease.

Explanation: The annual and monthly official killings are taboos. The ancestors and parents have official disasters or injury disasters.

Feedback: Grandpa had a lawsuit.

4. Brothers and sisters

l. If the parents have a normal childbearing situation, there should be about 5 brothers and sisters, which seems to be impaired.

Explanation: The number of brothers and sisters depends on the number of overdrafts. The loss of brothers and sisters is mainly based on two points: one is that the Bijie of the Nianzhichen Tuzang is restrained by the original Qi; palace, should

It is a place where Bijie and Jie are stunned, and the nemesis of Bijie is originally in the brother palace, so brothers and sisters are bound to be restrained.

Feedback: There were 5 brothers and sisters, two of whom died young.

2. It is difficult for me to get support from my brothers and sisters in my life, so I can only rely on my own struggle to start a business.

Explanation: The stems and branches of the Moon Pillar are taboo.

Feedback from the life owner: So far, I have not received any help from my brothers and sisters.

3. Among the brothers and sisters, there is a wealthy side, and some are in power or get rich.

Explanation: The seven kills on the moon pillar are taboo, but they are restrained by the year-old Jiamu, so the seven kills are controlled and transformed into power. Since the seven kills are in the brother’s palace on the moon pillar, most brothers and sisters will have a wealthy side.

Feedback: There is an older brother who is an official of a certain city bureau.

Five, career wealth

1. You have been engaged in freelance work and business all your life, and you will not work in a state unit. Even if you have the opportunity to work again, you will give up.


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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