Song Shaoguang’s “God Worship and Fortune”

Jul 16,2024 44 31

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Song Shaoguang’s “God Worship and Fortune” PDF e-book download.


The knowledge of Feng Shui can be described as broad and profound. Although the author got the true biography, it took nearly 20 years to integrate Fengshui knowledge. Gradually, the head is like this! Day and night. Ask yourself, if these 20 years are used to study science, the author may become a with a doctoral title, or a lesser one. A Ph.D. Going to study engineering management can at least get an MBA. But what have I gained by studying Fengshui and numerology for more than 20 years? Even the author doesn’t know.

If you want to know the cause of the previous life, you will receive it in this life. The author of the destiny arrangement is to study spells, use spells to help people avoid disasters and avoid disasters, and I am willing to accept this arrangement.

After reading various ancient books on Feng Shui many times, I found that many modern people have made a common mistake, that is, they adopt the method of “seeking what is true” when worshiping gods. Set up a god position, different from the auspicious side and the ominous side, regardless of whether it is facing the toilet or in the position of the three evil spirits. Some even enshrine multiple gods, and in short, the gods are arranged in disorder.

From thousands of years ago to now, there has never been a book dedicated to discussing how to soothe the gods, how to worship different gods, what methods, steps, what should be done, and what should not be done. Feel this. The author resolutely wrote this book and made it public.

This book has several goals: one is to fill the vacuum in the lack of research on “calming the nerves” in previous dynasties of Feng Shui, so that fellow practitioners can use this book as a basis; There is a bright light on the houses of businessmen and merchants to indicate that they will not be deceived by some ignorant Fengshui masters who pretend to be fools and suffer losses; in addition, Bi De has studied Fengshui numerology for more than 20 years. It is called the three immortals: meritorious service, virtue, and speech. The author is an ordinary person who has no achievements to make, nor is he a eccentric with great virtue. The only thing that comforts the author is Li Yan. It is also the author’s wish to write a book to promote the orthodox Feng Shui, fate and Neo Confucianism, so that everyone knows their fate and will not be deceived by innocent people for money and sex.

The purpose of feng shui positioning is to seek blessings and eliminate disasters, but for the gods who affect our misfortunes and blessings, they are too lazy to study how to place them, what should be paid attention to, and what to avoid. But delusional thinking that under the offering of “seeking what is true”, you will get the blessings and blessings of the gods? It is simply deceiving yourself and others. Since the gods rule over fortune and misfortune, no matter whether you worship the gods in houses, factories, shops, or office buildings, you must understand some rules and regulations that must be followed.

I sincerely and respectfully dedicate this book to my mentor. If there had been no teachings from him for more than 20 years. He taught me the life principles of “a person knows his fate” and the orthodox Taoist feng shui and numerology knowledge to me. I believe that even if I get a doctorate in science or an MBA title now, I am still a person who is obsessed with fame and fortune, power and status, but I am not happy at all in my heart.

About the Author

Song Shaoguang, a native of Heshan, Guangdong. Guo Ke received a bachelor’s degree in history from National Taiwan University and a master’s degree in history from the University of Illinois. I have studied Fengshui and fortunetelling for more than ten years. I have been working hard to eliminate the confusing elements of this kind of spells. I have discussed traditional Chinese metaphysics with a scientific and rational attitude. Interviewed and reported by admiration. Song Shaoguang once served as the “Fengshengshuiqi” of Hong Kong TVB. “Red Star Palm View”, and “Talking about Wind and Water” on ATV. “Feng Shui Mian Mian” and other festival hosts, are well received by the audience.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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