Empirical evidence of Zeng Zinan’s geomancy

Jul 16,2024 41 31

XZFS0072 Zeng Zinan – Empirical Study

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    Recalling when I was a child, my ancestors asked me to read Sanyuan Sanhe Jiuxing and other geomantic books, and asked me to identify the authenticity of the book. Knowing how to recite texts and sentences, greedy for many things, swallowing and reading, and even suspecting that geomancy is a mysterious thing. Later, things got a little longer, and with more study and study, I could only work on the text. As for the three-in-one, is it true? Or is the ternary true? I was still at a loss. Later, I got explanations and pointers from my ancestors, who often took me to various famous tombs to test and verify. Only then did I suddenly realize that Kanyu is not a mystery. Unbelievable, the words of the ancestors are absolutely true, and the study of geomancy is indeed credible, but it is a pity that ordinary people do not understand it and cannot use it flexibly.     Gemology is not a mysterious academic, but what is the reason why the world thinks it is “mysterious” and “superstitious”? In fact, because of the admiration of the three-in-one nine-star, the general alchemist uses the profound meaning of the three-element, which is difficult to understand, abandons it without seeking it, and seeks it with the simple and simple practice of the three-in-one nine-star. Disaster, there are even more surly people, who do not have the heart of saving people and the world, but only shoot for profit and collect money. Every time they survey land or build burials with others, they only know how to slap their tongues, talking about hype and ruined tombs, saying It is an auspicious point, after the move, there will be great sages and great sages, rich and powerful, the owner didn’t believe it, so he allowed it to move down. As a result, not only did he not get any blessings, but he saw his past. I can’t believe it anymore.    In recent years, Taiwan has re-inspected old tombs in their spare time, which proves that geomancy has no mysterious effect, and such books are not easy to see. I occasionally see one or two in local people’s homes. They are all fake books. The purpose and interest of Zinan compiled this book, and he decided to discuss the relationship between geomanticism and science, all the methods of finding dragons, pointing acupoints, eliminating peaks and receiving water, the good and bad images of sand and water in dragon’s caves, the method of coiling lines by masters, and the method of linking mountains and returning to Tibet. The Erlong Jue was compiled in order to allow fellow lovers to obtain the true Jue of Yang Gong, so that the world can have a deep understanding and firm belief in geomancy. But with respect to Yang Gong’s famous works, the books in the Zeng’s family’s collection are still in Jiangxi, and they have not been brought. The quotations and annotations in the book, mistakes are inevitable. Zinan is very willing to accept it and learn from him if he is truly corrected by his fellow enthusiasts.    The National Day of October 10, 43rd year of the Republic of China    Preface   Chapter 1 Gemography and Science   The Formation of Two Forms and Four Images   Evolution of Gossip    Sixty-Four The evolution of hexagrams    The composition of innate graphs    Trial algebra multiplication proof    Trial number multiplication proof 1    Trial number multiplication proof 2  Trial number multiplication proof 2  ;  Try dualism to prove   Try geometry to prove      ;  Preface to Qing Nang Jing    Qing Nang Austrian Language     Tian Yu Jing       Looking for the dragon   Acupressure   Dispelling sand   Naturing water   Master Panzong   


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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