Chen Xiyi’s “The Complete Works of Eighteen Flying Stars and Ziwei Dou Shu” written by Huang Jiacheng

Jul 16,2024 6 38

PDF e-book download of “The Complete Works of Eighteen Flying Stars Strategizing the Sky and Ziwei Doushu” written by Huang Jiacheng by Chen Xiyi. Introduction Ziwei Doushu occupies a place in Chinese numerology and has a considerable weight. It is used to deduce people’s fate and fortune, which is often amazing. Sixteen years ago, under the guidance of his close friend Mr. Zhang Shaoxiong, Yu returned to work together with Mr. Lin Changming, Mr. Chen Senwen and other seniors.

Chen Xiyi’s “The Complete Works of Eighteen Flying Stars Cetian Ziwei Doushu” written by Huang Jiacheng School is a PDF e-book download.


Ziwei Doushu occupies a place in Chinese numerology and has a considerable weight. Sixteen years ago, under the guidance of his close friend Mr. Zhang Shaoxiong, Yu worked together with Mr. Lin Changming, Mr. Chen Senwen and other seniors to gain some experience. However, his talents were mediocre and he could not fully comprehend the essence of Xiyi Xianzu. Xue Shu Zhu Gaoge, Zhongqiu last year, and Mr. Huang Jinchang, the publisher of Jiwen Publishing Co., Ltd., protected him. In view of the increasing interest in the study of Doushu in recent years, he resolutely provided the ancient edition of Ming Dynasty (reprinted woodcut in the ninth year of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty) “Purple “Wei Dou Shu” is written in six volumes, and it is hoped that it will be restored and widely circulated to inspire Zhuan Meng of later scholars. Back to the beginning of my life, I practiced fighting numbers. I followed the formulas in this book one by one to practice life and body palaces, five-element crowns and stars, and arrangement of stars. The Five Elements of Music is fixed and Dingzi Weixing’s palace position is still very annoying to check the book or bring a cheat sheet with him. During the period, he also wanted to play the sixty sixties Nayin song or “A and B Jinjiang smoke, Bingding has no grain fields, and Wuji camps dikes and willows . Odd, horseback riding on the second day, rooster on the first day of the new year, one day each for the second and second retreats…』I have memorized it by heart, but when the birthday falls at the end of the month, the calculation of advancing and retreating is cumbersome and prone to mistakes, so I have to go back to the cheat sheet to avoid mistakes. Take thousands of miles. Yu Changshen thought that since it is called “Numbers”, there should be mathematical laws to follow, thus arousing the awareness of seeking shortcuts. Although there are no less than ten volumes of books on fighting numbers in the market, all of which can be consulted by Jian Zhen, it has saved beginners a lot of trouble. Less time and energy, or different formulas are made according to the number of rounds, but it is still not simple enough. I sincerely hope that I can provide a shortcut to the performance of mathematical methods for everyone. In another engraving, a simpler method is being studied and will be made public at an appropriate time. In the 71st year of the Republic of China, Meng Chun, Meng Chun, Zhou Zuyong, was written in Baiyuan, Beishi

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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Jul 16,2024 未知
Jul 16,2024 未知