“Book of Changes and Pepsi” by Du Xinhui

Jul 16,2024 24 43

Du Xinhui “Book of Changes and Pepsi” PDF e-book download. Preface The Book of Changes is a principle, and Qimen Dunjia is a technique. There are more than 200 kinds of spells derived from the Book of Changes. The “Summary of Siku Books” written by the officials of the Qing Dynasty affirmed: “(Dunjia) is actually the method of Taiyi traveling in the nine palaces of “Gan Chiu Du”, and it is suitable for all the spells. Among them, it is the most reasonable.” Whether Qimen Dunjia can be predicted, is it a superiority in traditional culture?

Du Xinhui “Book of Changes and Pepsi” PDF e-book download.


Book of Changes is the principle, Qimen Dunjia is the art. There are more than 200 kinds of spells derived from the Book of Changes. The “Summary of Siku Books” written by the officials of the Qing Dynasty affirmed: “(Dunjia) is actually the method of Taiyi traveling in the nine palaces of “Gan Chiu Du”, and it is suitable for all the spells. Among them, it is the most reasonable.” Whether Qimen Dunjia can predict, whether it is an excellent culture in traditional culture, is what everyone cares about. After years of research, I think that Professor Yu Xixian of Peking University said that “any knowledge that can establish a mathematical model must be scientific” is correct, and scientific theories can be repeated. Qimen Dunjia is a repeatable space-time mathematical model, and its theoretical basis is Zhouyi. Therefore, among the traditional Chinese spells, Qimen Dunjia should be the most scientific mathematical model analysis and prediction theory. The main point of this book is the prediction principles of Qimen Dunjia, which are analyzed according to the content and meaning of space-time mathematics. When I was working in Shijiazhuang Branch of China Unicom, someone once asked me: “You work in a high-tech company, what do you gain from studying traditional culture?” It has been applied to modern enterprise management.” I think it is not enough for an enterprise to use only western management concepts and management methods to manage the enterprise. If it is combined with traditional cultural management ideas, it will be even more powerful. For example: the leader is yang, and the employees are yin. If the leader and employees are in harmony, the team spirit will be good. If the leader belongs to the centralized management method, everything is up to him. Although the employees obey the leader, the enthusiasm of the employees If you can’t perform well, if there is disharmony, the team spirit will not be good. Even if you are right, the team effect will not be good. According to the principle of the Book of Changes, only when things are balanced can they be stable, and only when they are stable can they move regularly and enterprises can develop better. Businesses are like this, families are like this, and everything is like this. This is the principle of “harmony between yin and yang” in traditional Chinese culture, and it is also a natural law. Due to the different backgrounds of the times, cultural values have undergone tremendous changes with the development of the times, especially with the development of modern science and technology, we really need to sublate the traditional forecasting techniques scientifically. In ancient China, our sages discovered and invented many prediction theories with profound scientific connotations. However, in the feudal society dominated by Zongtian theology and divination theology, most of these good scientific theories were covered with the cloak of theology. , to fool the people in order to achieve mystification. In today’s era, some excellent traditional cultural theories of our nation must be analyzed and interpreted by modern science, stripped of feudal superstition, and show a scientific and rational core. For a long time, I have always wanted to make some explorations in this area and make some contributions to the sublation of our national traditional culture. Therefore, I use examples to verify and explore the scientific Qimen Dunjia mathematical model, and use scientific theories to analyze the space-time relationship and related information of Qimen Dunjia. After I published the four books “Exact Explanation of Qimen Dunjia Cases”, “Book of Changes and Marriage”, “Book of Changes and Commercial Warfare” and “Book of Changes and Thirty-Six Strategies”, I had a certain influence in the Zhouyi circle, and more and more people paid attention to it. more. In the book, I explored the theory and practice of Qimen Dunjia, and the practice proved that the Qimen model is not a feudal superstition, but an area that needs further exploration in the excellent traditional culture of our nation. As descendants of Yan and Huang, we should inherit and carry forward this excellent culture. During this period, people constantly asked and encouraged me to write down my research experience and insights. After much deliberation, I decided to draw on the works of the ancients, borrow modern scientific and technological knowledge, and write down my application experience in the new space-time conditions, especially to carry out some theoretical explorations on the characteristics of the Qimen Dunjia model and the laws of things. At the same time, some principles of predicting things have also been explored in practice, and efforts have been made to express them in modern language and modern scientific knowledge, with the purpose of passing on the excellent culture of our nation. On the one hand, it can eliminate people’s superstition about the mystification of traditional numerology; on the other hand, using science to answer the mysterious culture also enables some enthusiasts to avoid detours in research. In this book, I have written some of my experiences and insights in the study of Qimen Dunjia, and made some explorations in some special fields. For example, sports competitions, judging the luck of the year, debt collection, etc., especially for the analysis and prediction of avoiding disasters, I made a bold attempt to find out some methods of predicting and avoiding disasters, and also provided some examples in practice. For reference when researching by enthusiasts.

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  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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