Shen Chaohe’s “Numerical History” (scanned version photo version)

Jul 16,2024 48 36

Shen Chaohe’s “Numerical History” (scanned version photo version) PDF download. Introduction “Fate is in your own hands” is to encourage people to abandon the color of fate. Whether life is smooth or not can not be completely explained by fate, and the change of personal behavior is the main factor. Is there hard work and self-motivation in adversity; is there confidence in prosperity?

Shen Chaohe’s “Numerical History” (scanned version photo version) PDF download.


“Fate is in your own hands” is to encourage people to abandon the color of fate. Whether life is smooth or not can not be completely explained by fate, and the change of personal behavior is the main factor. Whether there is self-motivation and self-motivation in adversity; whether there is confidence in the ups and downs, or failure due to slack and corruption, all depends on one’s mind and heart. The author fully agrees with the statement that “changes in self-nature and behavior” dominate the fate of fate.

However, life is like morning dew, changing rapidly, the moon has profit and loss, and people have misfortunes and blessings. All kinds of signs show that the world is unpredictable and unpredictable. How do you control your own destiny? If there is no way to rely on, it is not an extravagant wish to control one’s own destiny.

Therefore, numerologists explore the trajectory of fate through the theory of Yi Xue and various mathematical theories, go deep and far, classify and deduce, examine the past, and predict the future.

Through the efforts of the ancient sages and sages, it has been proved that “people do have a destiny”, and the success and failure of life are secretly manipulated by an invisible force. The numerologists use the hexagrams of Yi and the changes of the five elements to deduce this invisible force, deduce the “trajectory of fate”, and alert the world as a basis for advancing and retreating.

“Encourage people to study numerology, use the unique theory of numerology to understand the trajectory of fate, improve their wisdom, thinking ability, judgment and action, regulate their behavior, reduce the chance of making mistakes, turn the world around, and achieve the trend The purpose of avoiding bad luck.” It has always been the author’s opinion that the combination of “Numerology” and “Life” is very precious. Life has never been in adversity and doom, if it can be transformed through the study of fate, wouldn’t it be a blessing! Therefore, in recent years, the author has tried his best to promote Wushu cultural study activities, established the “Huludun Yili Study Club”, and his teacher Song Yingcheng even encouraged the author with “Numerology handed down from generation to generation”, so that the author is more comfortable in the Wushu workplace. Cautious efforts.

With many years of teaching experience and practical experience, I know the hardships of promoting Wushu culture, especially for beginners, how to arouse their interest in numerology, and then accept a set of orthodox numerology is not easy. When stepping into the field of numerology, how to let students flexibly use the “six gods to classify images” instead of being constrained by the “using gods and patterns” formula to discuss fate, so as to learn a set of theory and practice that can be combined and liven up life Arguing about accurate numerology, and then being able to beautify life with numerology, has been testing the author’s wisdom, and it is also the goal of the author to strive for perfection.

It is the author’s aspiration to promote Wushu culture. Ding Chounian published the book “Bazi Koying Station” (published by Wenxiang Book Company), using the content of the popular kowtowing programs in the current media to draw light through the wall to put forward his views on numerology. Today, the enthusiasm for promoting numerology has not diminished a bit, and once again he has written his usual teaching experience and practical experience into a book, with the title of “Numerology Handed down” as the title, and shared it with his colleagues. Since the maintenance is humble, it is inevitable that there will be omissions in the chapters that have been written in a hurry, and I hope that people of insight will not hesitate to give advice

partial screenshot


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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