Huang Hengyu and Li Yuchen, “Resolution of Diagnosis Phenomena of Yangzhai Schools of Various Schools”

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Huang Hengyu and Li Yuchen’s “Resolution of Diagnosis Phenomena of Yangzhai Schools of Various Schools” PDF e-book download. Brief Introduction Sanyuan Jing says: “The blessing of a person is like a beautiful person. The good fortune of the house is like an ugly person who gets good clothes and adds half to his spirit. If the life is poor and the house is evil, he is like an ugly person with poor clothes. It’s worth it. The residence of the old man must be carefully chosen.” That is to say, the importance of the ugly Yang’s house to the life of the predecessors

Huang Hengyu and Li Yuchen’s “Resolution of Diagnosis Phenomenon of Yangzhai Schools” PDF e-book download.


The Sanyuan Jing says: “The blessing of a person is like a beautiful person. The lucky person of the house is like an ugly person who gets good clothes and adds half to his spirit. If the life is poor and the house is evil, it is like Ugly people have bad clothes, how can it be worth it. The residence of the old man must be carefully chosen.” That is to say, the importance of the ugly mansion has always had a huge impact on the lives of the predecessors, and it is not valued by modern people. Books and schools of Feng Shui are still widely discussed, which shows its importance. The quality of a Yangzhai depends on the “environment outside the Yangzhai” and “the planning inside the house”, both of which are equally important. Entering and exiting through the door every day, the arrangement of the living room, the position of the bed, the position of the desk or desk, as well as the moving lines and light will all affect the fortune of everyone living in the home, so we have to be careful. In terms of yangzhai geography: the factors that affect people’s good or bad fortune are (1) the external situation is ruined, and (2) the internal situation is disordered. Therefore, in this book, a total of 145 items are mentioned. Before buying or renting a house, The pros and cons of the environment of the outer Yang residence and the problem of shape and evil must be taken into consideration. In the future, no matter whether it is for self-occupation or investment, you can feel at ease. With the analysis in this book, everything will be OK for the judgment of Yang Zhai! It is also mentioned in the third chapter of this book that it is of great reference value to directly judge the quality of a house and the people and things that will be affected by the school of eight house mirrors, and the important parts are discussed. The fourth chapter talks about using the nine-star water method to determine whether a house has received the magnetic field of wealth or popularity. This is a selection factor that is related to the harmony of the whole family and whether the house can bring wealth. The fifth chapter will talk about using the Zibai flying star method to diagnose the direction of each house, the good and bad conditions of the orientation of the house, and the fleeting fortunes of family members, so as to make a good plan for good luck and evil spirits. The sixth chapter talks about the Yangzhai Zhidu formulas passed down by the ancestors. The 26 formulas will make you become a master in no time. In a word, this book uses the easiest-to-understand and easy-to-remember graphic formulas, allowing you to spend the least amount of time learning the most accurate Yangzhai diagnosis, helping you not feel so esoteric when learning the Yangzhai course, and can arouse reading motivation and have fun exploring. Furthermore, the part explained in this book will definitely be helpful when it is applied to planning a residence. Looking forward to sharing it with readers! Finally, thank you, thank you! Huang Hengyu, Founding Chairman of Taichung Wushu Education Association, at the Jixiangfang Yijing Kaiyun Center in the spring of 2011

Table of Contents

Preface/Preface by Huang Hengyu/Li Yuchen’s six-point formula in the first chapter (the gate) , living room, kitchen and toilet, bedroom, shrine, stairs, desk, light, moving lines, etc.) 1. Those with high doors are poor, and those with low doors win; those with narrow doors lose, and those with wide doors win. 2. When two gates face each other, one must retreat; when two gates clash, one must be fierce. 3. The most vicious thing in a mansion is the worst, and drafts are the most taboo. 4. The mansion is the second worst, and the kitchen and toilets should not be in the middle. 5. Every house is empty, big or small, and the occupant will never be able to loosen it. 6. If the sky conquers the earth, it will attract robbers and rebels. 7. If the house is in the shape of an L right angle, there is no hope for money and marriage. 8. If the compass is one line away, riches and honor are irrelevant; 9. Open the door to see the toilet, and go out unexpectedly. 10. Push the door inward, and wealth will pile up; push the door outward, and wealth will disperse like flying. 11. The door is higher than the hall, and the descendants will be extremely small; the door is higher than the wall, and the family will cry more. 12. When the door opens, the husband and wife break up. 13. The house has wings, and the immortals have not earned straight. 14. Find the thief in the front, and the uncle in the back. 15. If the house is high in the middle and low in the front and back, the widow will spend money and money; 16. When the green dragon opens its mouth, gold and silver will fight; when the white tiger opens its mouth, there will be no way out. 17. The front and rear eaves are straight and long, which is called Pi Ma Duo crying. 18. On the beam of the stove, there are constant disasters; when the stove is on the beam, the family has no food left. 19. The beams on the top of the bed are crossed, and the officials are not litigious. 20. The two houses are connected by bridges, and no one will be sympathetic to those who hang themselves. 21. At the back of the Yangzhai house, there are stairs, where male thieves and female prostitutes are bullied. 22. The land is good and the seedlings are luxuriant, and the house is prosperous. 23. The villa on the pulse will eventually become an empty house. 24. If the bed stove is next to the window, the money will leak out; if the bed stove is on the beam, the family will not be healthy. 25. Don’t worry about the bed facing the door, don’t worry about the stove facing the toilet; 26. The roof of the house is crooked and slips away. 27. There are ladders at the beginning, and there is no one to rely on. 28. The palace dwells in the ladder of the house, and the wealth is broken and the luck is rough. 29. If the sun is not shining, the doctor must come often. 30. Bamboo houses are not rich to live in. 31. The front is empty and the back is empty, and the rice urn is jingling. 32. The balcony is exposed to the stove, and there is no support at home. 33. The stove mouth rushes to the door, and the heart is burning with wealth. 34. There is a stove behind the bed and a bad temper. 35. There is a bath and toilet on the stove, and it is difficult for the family to be happy. 36. When the mirror shines on the bed, discord is hard to prevent. 37. The god’s throne is hit by a sword, and disasters are seen immediately. 38. The white tiger is blatant, and it is difficult to mend it with a knife. 39. After all, no one rents the trailing house on Mars. 40. Dragons and tigers have missing triple courtyards, and fortunes and injuries prolong life. 41. Triangular and six shifts will hurt people. 42. Moderate to macrocephalic disease, burning of the head shell. 43. Bright halls and dark rooms, dynamic halls and quiet rooms, family harmony, shared by husband and wife. 44. The host and the guest are dependent on each other, and both movement and stillness are appropriate. 45. The door of the house is facing the mouth of the pot, and money is hard to get. 46. The toilet house is facing the stove door, and the cattle are damaged every year. 47. If the secrets are inside, the family life will be rich; if the secrets are outside, the family wealth will gradually retreat. 49. If the master lies without a dragon’s side, a man loses face; if the master lies without a tiger’s side, a woman’s status falls. 50. Reading should be quiet rather than moving, and Wenchang should be high rather than low. 51. The god position should be high rather than low, bright rather than dark, quiet rather than moving. 52. The refrigerator is in the living room, but the wife and money are gone. 53. When the bedside is next to the toilet, it is difficult to predict the disease of a man; it is difficult to prevent a disease of a woman when the toilet is punched. 54. The movement of water is yang, and the stillness of the house is yin. 55. Dragon water crosses the hall to open the dragon gate, and tiger water crosses the hall to open the tiger gate. 56. There are ladders in the harem, and bone spurs are difficult to treat. 57. The bed is opposite to the pointed object, and there is no childbearing. 58. There are steps in front of the door, and no one lives when you go out.

Chapter 2 The six external affairs formulas and straight judgment method (buildings, roads, ponds, bridges, temples, electric towers, electric pillars, rivers, trees, signboards, wind evil spirits, Yao evil spirits, etc.) 59, The legs of a woodcutter, the eyes of an eagle, the mouth of a girl, the learning of Hanlin. 60. Zuo Qinglong, Right Baihu, Front Suzaku, Back Xuanwu. 61. In the method of Fengshui, getting water is the top priority, followed by Tibetan wind, supplemented by regulating qi. 62. The first level of guards is expensive, and the tenth level of guards is the prime minister. 63. Reach out and touch the case, and the wealth is tens of millions. 64. The white tiger rises to the peak, and the wife scolds her husband. 65. The front is narrow and the back is wide, rich and honor is like a mountain; 66. If the front is high and the back is low, you will be bullied for the rest of your life; 67. It is better to build ten graves for others than to set up a gate for others. 68. Between two highs and one low, dilapidated people will be deceived; 69. Four beasts live in the high house beside the house, and the family is poor and helpless and lonely forever. 70. When the water bounces back to the front of the hall, the Lord is worthless. 71. When the heavens are open and the households are closed, making money is easy to gather wealth; 72. Many roads cross each other, and there is no old man at home. 73. Crossing roads and gates, the population does not exist. 74. The threshold river flows straight out, and the poor cry all the way. 75. The bright hall is like the palm of your hand, and the family is rich in money. 76. When Yaosha meets the gate of the temple, a man with insanity comes out of his family; when Yaosha meets the temple, the man gets nothing. 77. If the headpost of the fence hits the gate, it is easy to have a stroke person in the family. 78. The road is big and the house is small, but the house is big and the road is small. 79. It is easy to hide from the open spear without hurting the body, but it is difficult to prevent life from the hidden arrow. 80. The male peach blossoms in front of the crooked road, and the female peach blossoms on the reverse bow road. 81. The house is next to the foot-cut water, and the wealth and business will always go hand in hand. 82. It is inappropriate to go straight through the heart, and the lawsuit is unexpectedly bloody. 83. Riding a dragon, Cassangu. 84. Long Qiang is helpless, pampered. 85. Water and fire are beneficial to dragons and tigers, but fire and water are not beneficial to tigers and are prosperous to dragons. 86. If the soil is prosperous and the gold is buried, the wealth is rich and the body is weak. 87. Living in the house and living in the dragon hall, tattooing and making money are strong. 88. Living in a house is like a tiger, and the martial arts are strong to make money. 89. The wealth is weak and the officials are prosperous, and there is no hope of accumulating wealth. 90. The dragon water can’t be dragged out of the hall, and there is no printing, no wealth, and nothing to do. 91. In front of the bright hall, there is a dark pressure, and the loss of money hurts the stomach and spleen. 92. The dragon and the tiger rise gradually, and the life expectancy of men and women is equal. 93. The tiger is tall and long, while the dragon is low, and it is common for men to live short. 94. Long Changlong Gaoqie passed the court, and the bad boy lived in the house. 95. The tiger is long and the tiger is tall and cut in the hall, and outsiders bully the house. 96. There is no dragon and no support, and nobles have no cover. 97. The dragon and the tiger guard the back of the river, and the second room is hard to defend against the wounded. 98. On the left side of Wulong, the road rushed, and the eldest son died in an accident. 99. There is a dragon on the left side of the road, and the eldest son has liver cancer, and his life is empty. 100. The sharp edge of the knife on the wall in front of the door is near, and neurasthenia and accidents are frequent. 101. Relying on the steep mountains and collapsed walls, it is easy to produce bad boys. 102. The children and grandchildren are too impatient to guard against the high voltage and close to the house. 103. There is a probe on the back, and the children and grandchildren frequently peep. 104. The drop in the Mingtang is direct, and the money is hard to keep the daughter away. 105. The dragon embraces the tiger, and the family and career flourish. 106. The bright hall is tall and tall, and the long house is famous in a foreign land. 107. The tiger outside the bright hall is tall and tall, and the slaves bully the master and the daughter loves to boast. 108. Xuanwu Mountain is in a golden shape, and its descendants are rich and prosperous. 109. Xuanwu gradually rises in mediocrity, and the careers of descendants prosper from generation to generation. 110. Leaning against the ridge of the roof, blood comes unexpectedly. 111. The back of the house gradually falls, and the descendants shrink from generation to generation. 112. The back of the house suddenly sinks, and crises are everywhere. 113. If there is water behind the house, bad luck will follow. 114. The tiger is full of wind, and the man is nowhere to be seen. 115. If the basalt behind the house is in a rush, disasters cannot escape the collapse of fortune. 116. Carrying backwards, causing damage to the second room. 117. There is a dilapidated house in the back, and the elders are dragged down and cry. 118. There is a detour behind the house, and a man is in love. 119. When the vines appear on the wall behind the house, villains must be common. 120. Xuanwu drenched his back with water, and his life was accompanied by poverty and illness. 121. It is easy to make money at the water inlet, and it is easy to make money at the small water outlet. 122. Collect tiger water in front of the dragon’s hall, supplemented by regulating qi and wealth. 123. If things go smoothly, the business will not last long. 124. The belt wraps around the water, and the bright hall is spacious and rich. 125. Pay homage to the water court, and wealth enters the house. 126. Leaning behind the house and jumping forward, ruthlessly breaking promises and burning wealth. 127. The bright hall is in the shape of a bag of water-gathering bags, rich in wealth and honor. 128. Don’t be afraid of the blue dragon, but be afraid of the white tiger looking back. 129. The dragon is high and the tiger is low, and the third house is fierce, and the tiger is high, the dragon is low, and the big house is empty. 130. The dragon beats the tiger without hurting the man, and the tiger beats the dragon without the dragon hurting the woman. 131. When a dragon forces a tiger, a tiger hurts a woman; when a tiger forces a dragon, a dragon hurts a man. 132. The dragon forced the tiger to trap the main wounded woman, and the tiger forced the dragon to trap the main wounded man. 133. Mingtang is in a rush, and the lawsuit enters the palace. 134. Zuo Qinglong is in the air, and thieves enter the house. 135. Longshui will worship the hall, and fire must be prevented. 136. There is a house in the back depression, and the man has a stroke. 137. Men with a low depression on the dragon’s side have a stroke, and women with a low depression on the tiger’s side have a stroke. 138. Mingtang is overwhelmed, and Hugh boasted that the acupoints are good. 139. One pillar supports the sky, and loneliness is boundless. 140. It’s hard to lie down in pain. 141. The crossbeam through the heart, the health is ominous. 142. The wall knife goes straight, to no avail. 143. People and ghosts live together, and it is difficult to heal for a long time. 144. The wall in front of the door is broken and the street bricks are missing. The family is often unhappy. 145. The dragon wants to be tall, and the tiger wants to crouch; 146. Go out and see the pillars, and stay forever. 147. The building is hollowed out, and depression is in it.

Chapter 3 Eight house formulas straight judgment method (seat east, west, south, north, southeast, southwest, northwest, northeast.) He; if he still cultivates into an image in one breath, his descendants will prosper and flourish (Dong Si Zhai Jue). 149. The four houses of Kun, Gan, and Gen are the same, and the four hexagrams and lines of the east cannot be met; if they are mistakenly mixed with the same house, the casualties will be serious (West Si House Jue). 150. If the foundation of the Kanzhai house lacks sundae, many young people will die in the long house. 151. If there is no gen at the site of Kun’s house, the middle house will die young. 152. If the homestead is lacking, it is needless to say that the long house will die. 153. If there is no earthquake at the site of the Xun house, the long house must be empty. 154. If the foundation of the dry house is missing, there is no doubt that there is a blind woman in the middle house. 155. There are endless shortages of Dui housestead sites, and all houses are wiped out in vain. 156. If the site of the Gen homestead is short of Kun, and the long house has no children, who will ask. 157. If there is a shortage of land from the homestead, it goes without saying that the long house has no children. 158. If the foundation of the Kan house is full and dry, it is needless to say that the old man spends wine. 159. Geng Ding Kun is Huang Quan, and Kun Xiang Geng Ding cannot be said. 160. B and B must guard against the sunda water first, and the same is true for Sunda to B and C. 161. Jiagui sees Gen in Zhongxiu, and Gen sees Jiagui fiercely for a hundred years. 162. Xin Ren’s waterway is afraid of being dry, and it is full of disasters towards Xin Ren.

Chapter 4 Nine-Star Water Method Direct Judgment Method (Fubi, Wuqu, Pojun, Lianzhen, Tanlang, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu.) 163, Kan Longkun Tu Zhenshan Monkeys, Sunda chickens, horses and snake heads; Gen tigers and pigs are Yaosha, and they will rest as soon as they meet in the house and tomb. 164. Ren Jianzi is angry with the giants, and the business is booming and safe. 165. Yi Jianchen Xiangwu Quqi, husband and wife love and career benefits. 166. Zi Jiangui Xiang Fu Bi Qi, down-to-earth and concerted efforts. 167. Xun Jiansi is angry with greedy wolves, and it is still the joint efforts of Ankang Qi. 168. Gui and ugliness tend to be honest and chaste, sharing the same bed with different dreams hurts wealth. 169. Chen and Sunda Xiangwen Quqi, mixing yin and yang is unrealistic. 170. Jia Jianmao saves his anger towards Lu, and the husband and wife are not harmonious and less profitable. 171. Shen Jiangeng wants to break the army’s spirit, and the most fierce spirit is not satisfactory.

Chapter 5 Zibai Flying Star Formula Direct Judgment (one white, two black, three green, four green, five yellow, six white, seven red, eight white, nine purple.) 172. Feng Shui turns, thirty years Hedong, Hexi for thirty years. 173. From the Baikan Palace in the Shangyuan, from the Luzhong Palace in the Fourth Yuan Dynasty, and from the Qichi Retrograde Palace in the Xiayuan Dynasty. 174. Ziwu Maoyou starts eight whites, Yinshen Sihai Erheiqiu, Chenxu Chouwei five yellows. 175. Fourth, together with the palace, the name of Zhun Fa Ke is obvious. 176. Nine and seven travel through the road, and there are often disasters of Huilu. 177. Two and five are combined, and the owner is also seriously ill. 178. Three and seven times come, robbers and robbers will see official disasters.

Chapter 6 He Zhijing of Yangzhai (the formulas that must be understood when learning Yangzhai) 179. How do you know that people are poor and poor, and turn back when they go through mountains and rivers. 180. How do you know that people are rich and rich, and Yuan Feng is upright and upright? 181. How do you know that people are more expensive than others? 182. How do you know that rich people come from a family, and one mountain is higher than the other. 183. How do you know that when people are in ruins, one mountain is lower and the other is lower. 184. How do you know that people are lonely and widowed, and the side fan of the pipa is evil. 185. How do you know that when a young man dies, the front is also the pond and the back is also the pond. 186. How do you know that people are hanged to death, and there is a road on the neck of the dragon and tiger. 187. How do you know that people have young descendants, and the front and back sides are higher than the grave. 188. How do you know that people live with two surnames, and there are mountains on one side and none on the other? 189. How do you know that the owner of the family left his hometown, and the owner of a mountain fled through the Mingtang. 190. How do you know that when someone goes out to serve as an army, the gun mountain sits in front of him and stretches out. 191. How do you know that people are stolen by thieves, and one mountain walks out of one mountain hook. 192. How do you know that people are disobedient, and the dragon and the tiger fight or open their mouths. 193. How do you know that people’s houses were burned, and the foot of the mountains on all sides looked like plantains. 194. How do you know that women are promiscuous, and the door is opposite to the pit, and the water will return. 195. How do you know that people often cry, and there is a house of ghosts and spirits in front of them. 196. How do you know that people are not prosperous, only less source of living water. 197. How do you know that people are not long ago, there is one side and there is no side. 198. How do you know that people are lonely, and the water is like a dustpan. 199. How do you know that there is an incense burner mountain in front of people who cultivate good fruits. 200. How do you know that people can be teachers, and there is an incense burner on the top of Paifu Mountain. 201. How do you know that people are lame, and the front and back Venus are all on fire. 202. How do you know that when people die, the mountain of corpses is in front of them. 203. How do you know that people are disabled, just because the water leads to the underworld. 204. How do you know that there are few people in the house, and the dragon has no energy later. 205. Carefully aligning mountains and waters, you can see disasters and blessings if you break the mountains; there are thousands of shapes and phenomena in it, but this is all!

Chapter 7 Yangzhai is lucky to attract wealth, and the auspicious products that transform evil spirits are introduced. Partial Screenshots of Mascots’ and “Jucaiwei” mascots


  • Publication Date: 未知
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier: 内部视频
  • Total Pages: 1
  • File Type: PDF

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